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| influence of permafrost on the estimation of the complementary relationship of evapotranspiration in the tibetan plateau
| 企业退出/进入视角:转型期西安市制造业的“去中心化”与“园区化”分析
| possible link of an exceptionally strong east asian summer monsoon to a la ni?a-like condition during the interglacial mis-13
| the influence of roadside trees on the diffusion of traffic pollutants and their magnetic characteristics in a typical semi-arid urban area of northwest china
| quantitative assessment of ion and water vapor sources of precipitation in the source region of the yangtze river
| long-term effects of drought on tree-ring growth and carbon isotope variability in an rare and endangered tree species in southwest china
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| 一锅溶剂热法制备铜锰氧化物催化剂及其催化燃烧甲苯的实验研究
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